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JingMei specializes in the production of aluminum products in the field of hard alloys. The aluminum extrusion plant covers an area of 2,000,000 m². 

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With 18 presses, an annual capacity of

of around 200,000 tons is achieved.

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Extrusion-  & Drawinglines

Press bars from
Ø 20 to 320 mm.
Drawn bars from Ø 10 - 70 mm. 

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Mechanical processing

From capping, punching, drilling to CNC manufacturing and welding robot. 




The partnership between JingMei and ALWO GmbH has existed since the beginning. Because of the unlimited capacity available to us and the large product portfolio of aluminum extrusion products in the field of hard alloy, the demand of our customers can be easily met with JingMei. 


The new JingMei plant, built on an area of 2.000.000 m² is part of a three-year expansion project. The first third of the 9 areas was recently completed and is fully operational. A modern foundry produces numerous aluminum alloy billets such as 6026, 6026LF, 6082, 2007, 2075, 2011, 2017A, 2024, 2033LF, 7020, 7003, 7005, 7046, 7075 and currently reaches a capacity of 200,000 tons. Equipped with ultrasonic controls, it is able to monitor each bolt to maintain the excellent quality standards required by the automotive market, for example. The plant has direct and indirect presses that guarantee a complete range of bars and tubes with diameters up to 320 mm and lengths of 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 / 6,000 mm.

Each individual bolt is inspected in an ultrasonic dip tank to detect any cracks and internal defects. Each extruded bar is checked by the laboratory to guarantee the strict EN mechanical properties.

CBAM Certification

CBAM sustainability requirements for aluminum production

Carbon Footprint of Products Verification Statement: 

6xxx series aluminium alloy extrusion profiles (mill)

Carbon Footprint of Products Verification Statement: 

2xxx series aluminium alloy extrusion profiles (mill)

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ALWO - more than aluminium

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